How does the service work?

St Monica’s works in partnership with local organisations and charities, including the RC Diocese of Leeds; Catholic Care; SVP; the Red Cross; and PAFRAS (Positive Action for Refugees and Asylum Seekers).

  • PAFRAS manage the referral process on behalf of the charity often working with the Red Cross to identify individuals who have no access to public funds, who would benefit from a stay at St Monica’s.

  • We have two House Committees with 10 volunteers helping with the day to day running of the houses. Each House Committee arranges for the welcome and induction of new residents; and maintains contact with residents throughout their stay including delivering regular food parcels and distributing an allowance (currently £25 per week per resident).

  • PAFRAS provides a dedicated case-worker to support the residents and liaise with other agencies involved in their case.

  • Residents are encouraged to volunteer and involve themselves in local groups: examples include English classes; knitting groups; and lunch clubs.

  • A few weeks prior to the leaving date PAFRAS reviews the resident’s circumstances; and with the input of the House Committee and other agencies help the resident make their next move.

  • Of the residents who have stayed at St Monica’s, 8 have subsequently received the right to remain in the UK.

”The value of our partnership with St Monica’s is that together we have been able to achieve ongoing accommodation support for a further 4 destitute asylum seekers- something neither of us could have achieved alone.“